April 3, 2013

Almost Basic.

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Jacket- Educate Elevate
Disco Pants- old/ similar here
Asymmetric t-shirt- Asos
Shoes- Sammydress
Sunglasses- 80s Purple
Beanie- Asos


This has to be my most comfortable outfit so far. I absolutely love wearing disco pants and how the kinda shiny fabric adds so much to the outfit. The other day my best friend and I talked for a solid half hour about how good they are ha. Seriously guys, if you’ve been thinking about getting a pair just grab them already..I promise you wont get any regrets at all..  I wanted to wear this E&E  jacket without pairing it with something too dark or printed so I opted for a basic asymmetrical t-shirt.. this outfit reminded me how good a basic white tee can be. Might invest in some more.

On another note, I joined Material Wrld, a website where you can shop closets from people around the world and I already put some stuff !  click here to check my closet.

Anyways I am having a very tough week with loads of exams (some midterms are still going on) and I obviously didn’t studied at all last week because you know.. it was spring break.. ahh but this blog wont be left aside though, many outfits coming this week 🙂 you’ll see.  Hope you have a lovely day!


Este es el look mas comodo que he usado hasta ahora. Me encantan estos disco pants y  la tela brillosa que tienen.. definitivamente le da un toque distinto al look completo.  Creo que es una de esas prendas en las que vale la pena invertir por que son super comodos y van con todo..  Queria usar esta casaca con algo distinto a lo que he posteado antes (t-shirts oscuros o con estampado) asi que opte por un t-shirt basico blanco. Creo que me habia olvidado lo bien que se ve un polo blanco simple, siempre van con todo! Aveces me alejo de algunas prendas por pensar que son aburridas pero con este outfit me di cuenta que no siempre es asi.

En fin estoy teniendo una semana un poco cargada despues de las mini vacaciones que tuve la semana pasada. Tengo varios examenes esta semana y obviamente que no estudie nada por que.. estaba de vacaciones, jaja. Pero tengo mil looks para postear asi que el blog no sera dejado de lado 🙂 ya veran. Que tengan un lindo dia!

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