July 11, 2012
Black Tri.
Tee- Illustrated People
Shorts- Second hand
Parka- Chicwish
Simple outfit for a lazy day, I took the pictures in a matter of seconds actually… I added this lovely flower crown to make my usual outfit kind of different. I mean I always wear a black graphic tee, shorts and a parka when im not in the mood of dressing up too much.
Ive been in love with flower crowns since the moment Rookie Mag posted about them ages ago (Rookie Mag is the best website in the entire world). They even put up a tutorial back in October and Ive been wanting to do one but I never had the time (or guts?) to do so, I thought i would suck at it. Everytime I saw pictures of them in my tumblr dash I died a bit. Well, I told my mum about my lust for one in a casual conversation and a couple of days later she managed to make this one for me! thanks mum 🙂 I love it so much.
Anyways, my blog is about to hit 15k likes on Facebook. This is unreal. you guys are amazing I’m trying to recover now, overwhelmed doesn’t even cover it anymore. Thank you so much!!!!
Este outfit es lo que normalmente uso cuando no me provoca pensar que ponerme.. polo negro con grafico blanco, shorts de jean y parka. Le añadí la corona de flores para variar un poco.
Hace siglos que queria una corona de flores.. Desde que Rookie Mag posteo un tutorial en octubre las he amado (por cierto si nunca han visto Rookie Mag, haganlo ya! es mi revista/blog/website favorito en la tierra).. siempre las veia en fotos de tumblr y he querido hacerme una pero no me daba el tiempo o pensaba que no me iba a salir muy bien. El otro dia le conte a mi madre acerca de mi amor por las coronas de flores y que queria hacerme una eventualmente.. bueno a los pocos dias me dijo que no tenia que buscar mas por que me habia hecho una 🙂 gracias ma! la amo.
En fin, queria agradecerles por los likes en Facebook!!!!! no puedo creer que mi blog ya casi llego a 15,000.. son increibles.