May 6, 2013
White Top- The Cobra Fitness Club by The Cobra Snake
Overalls- Sammydress
Shoes- Similar
Beanie- Asos
Sunglasses- Romwe
Maybe its not that evident yet but I’m kinda obsessed with white now. We’ve been seing a lot of white lately because lets face it.. it looks so good.. specially if it comes in a mesh fabric or transparent fabric. So when the Cobra Shop sent me this top I almost die. It’s literally the piece my wardrobe was missing. I have been a huge fan of the Cobra Snake for years (usually took a lot of inspiration from their site since I was a kid) so its really awesome wearing something from their shop! The top is part of their Fitness Club Collection, which has cool pieces to look good while working out or just being comfy.
Anyways, I got two long weeks ahead.. finals almost every day. I can’t even think about it.. the good thing is I will be graduating after exams and, as usual, going to Peru for vacations. I’m staying there for a bit more than a month and honestly I’m very excited to see my family and friends again.
PS: If you want to see the pieces I’m wearing and their corresponding links to shop my closet you should check my Stylitics closet! I basically check in my outfits and post all the items I already wore so you can see the original link and buy them. Check my closet here.
Quizas aun no es tan notorio pero estoy un poco obsesionada con el blanco.. especialmente si viene en telas como de red o transparentes.. asi que cuando the Cobra Shop me ofrecio este top casi me muero. Es literalmente el que faltaba en mi closet. Siempre he sido fan de the Cobra Snake (me inspiraba mucho cuando era mas chica) asi que es un honor usar algo de su tienda. El top es parte de Fitness Club Collection, que vende otras prendas perfectas para hacer deporte o andar comoda.
En fin, tengo un par de semanas medio pesadas con finales casi todos los dias. No se como hare pero estoy emocionada por que ya me graduo luego de eso. Despues estare yendo a Peru por un mes ya que alfin salgo de vacaciones. De hecho me emociona ver a mi familia de nuevo.
PD: Si quieren ver prendas que uso y los links correspondientes donde puedan comprarlas pueden chequear mi Stylitics Closet. Basicamente logeo mis outfits y lo que uso en diferentes collages con links para comprar online. Chequeen mi closet aca.