October 11, 2012
Cord & Leather
Jacket~ Vivili
Vest~ O- Mighty
Skirt~ Romwe
Blouse~Goodnight Macaroon
Shoes~ Senso
This vintage vest is the cutest , I love that its actually made of a very thin corduroy fabric. I immediately thought of pairing it with a white blouse, it looks very european, specially with this beret. I honestly cant stop wearing it, Ive had it for a couple of years but never used to wear it, or at least not this often. My black beanie is falling apart and its huge now, and im a sucker for hats so I will be sporting this french accessory a hell lot until I find another black beanie.
I am so so tired now, I have been going everywhere these past few days. I feel like a tourist, haha. But its nice alternating classes with the typical places where you only see tourists here in NY. I still have a couple more busy days with my family. Im already getting emotional because they’re leaving way too soon.I hope you are all having a great week, I certainly have had one of the best ones. I will post another outfit soon though, I have so many I am getting all anxious to show them all to you!
Este chalequito vintage es bello, apenas lo tuve en mis manos pense en combinarlo con una blua blanca, hace que le de un toque mas europeo. Sinceramente no he parado de usar este sombrero, lo tengo hace un par de anios pero jamas le habia dado tanto uso. El beanie negro de siempre ya se cae a pedazos y me come la cabeza jaja asi que necesito conseguirme otro pronto.. buscare en mercados baratos, esos son los mejores.
En fin, estoy tan cansada que no se como ando escribiendo ahorita.. he estado de aqui para alla estos dias con mi familia. Me he sentido totalmente turista pero es bueno ir a lugares clasicos de NY de vez en cuando. Me da un monton de pena por que quiero aprovechar el tiempo con mi hermana al maximo. Espero que esten teniendo una linda semana, yo definitivamente he tenido una de las mejores. Aunque ando a mil por hora posteare otro look pronto, tengo tantos que me da ansiedad por que ya les quiero mostrar todos!