June 30, 2011
I know places we can go
I’ve been trying to wear my summer garments again, even it its cold as hell out there. Not in the mood for pants neither winter tops yet. The outfit below would have looked much better without tights and a sunny atmosphere, but well that’s impossible for me here, Peru is freaking cold right now. At least I could manage to wear this without freezing. Excuse my posture, I think I scrunched too much.
I was wearing my vintage corduroy pants which I trimmed, a chicwish crochet top (I really love this online store), fashionpash blouse, necklace as always and iwearsin tights. I love the mix of the two purple shades.
I got a little feature at Beginning Boutique’s blog, you can check it out here, thank you so much!
I got a little feature at Beginning Boutique’s blog, you can check it out here, thank you so much!
PS. I have changed my url to www.le-happy.com, Ive been wanting to do this a long time ago. Well now you can enter my blog by just going to www.le-happy.com. It will take a while to be able to enter without the wwws. But the good thing is that if you go to my old address you will be redirectioned, so theres nothing to worry about.
And also a big thanks to ALL of you, couldnt gone this far without you 🙂 you rock guys