December 11, 2011
Thank you so much girls.
I cant explain how overwhelmed and honoured I feel when I open my mailbox and see an illustration of myself ! The first illustration can be found on a feature Sarah did about me on her blog! Click here to see it, her blog is brilliant!
I cant explain how overwhelmed and honoured I feel when I open my mailbox and see an illustration of myself ! The first illustration can be found on a feature Sarah did about me on her blog! Click here to see it, her blog is brilliant!
So.. today I was supposed to have loads of pictures from last week and make a random post but I forgot my camera and memory card at my boyfriends house, ugh. I was so mad when I realized that while on the train on my way to my aunts house. Right now Im all home alone studying for a couple exams I have on the next two days and then im finally done 😉 I ve been loving school so far. Of course some courses are way to theoretical (about the business, the economy and such), but others are about fashion and the industry which I really find amusing. For instance what I have loved the most to do was a course project about a historical designer and a modern one. Man, it was amazing learning about them and actually analyzing their influences. I thought I sucked doing it because Im always unsure on my academic work. but I got an A 🙂 Im much more relaxed now after seeing that im not doing bad… just two more exams and im off to Peru on friday! I will obviously take pictures, it is almost summer over there.
Anyways, I literally have too many pictures to show you, the thing is I dont have them right now.. next week will be filled with random posts and outfits.
Oh and please today is the last day to vote.. i know im second but you never now 🙂 please vote if you can!!!! <3
No puedo mas que agradecer a quienes hicieron estas ilustraciones. la ultima la hizo Sarah , quien tiene un blog con ilustraciones increibles! Hagan click aca para verlo.
En fin.. tenia muchisimas fotos de la semana para compartir y me olvide mi tarjeta de memoria donde mi chico. Ahh casi me muero cuando me acorde que la habia dejado.. ya estaba en el tren y no habia vuelta atras. Tendre que esperar al martes cuando vaya de nuevo! En fin, solo me faltan dos examenes mas y termino con el semestre. Me gusta mucho lo que he estado aprendiendo y me tiene mas calmada saber que me ha ido bien!
Este viernes viajo a Lima Estoy bien contenta de saber que voy a ver a mi familia, a mis amigos , volver a la comida de alla y el clima tambien, justo esta semana el clima va a bajar demasiado aca en NY, ja felizmente me escapo. ahroita estamos a -1 grados.. lo que se viene.
En fin, por favor voten por mi en el concurso de Mango! si pueden votar nuevamente (si les permite) se los agradeceria muchisimo. Las diferencias no son cortas pero uno nunca sabe. muchisimas gracias!!