May 29, 2010
Joey, if you’re hurting so am I.
Listening to Joey from Concrete Blonde. God, how I love this song.

I bought this sort of gothic/grunge shirt for 2 dollars thinking that I was going to use it only once or twice. Well, Im OVER using it, I really like that gothic look it gives to black outfits. The top that I dont know how to call it (mesh? fish net?) was from my aunt and she gave it to me when I was 13. I loved it but never knew how to use it so I stored it. Just about a week ago I modified it and FINALLY after 6 fucking years im USING IT!!! I cant beleive how worth was the wait haha I knew I was going to use it someday!!
Ugh I hate how my tights are all broken and ripped. I once loved that look but now im sick of it and I dont want to wear ripped tights anymore. Obviously I have to do it as the only ones I own are all broken 🙁
hope you had a good one and have an awesome friday night!!