March 17, 2013
Denim shirt is second hand- similar/better here
Karazii platform sneakers– Shop Wasteland
Ring- Puloma
Alien tee- Jac Vanek
Oversized biker jacket- Modekungen
Beanie- Asos
Leggings- Asos
Sunnies- similar here
Can’t believe I am actually posting these platform tennis shoes for the first time. I have them since several weeks now and have been wearing them so much.. Seriously they have been great for school, shopping, walking in the city and even to bars.. ‘I’ve been sporting them with pleather shorts with opaque tights, light blue jeans with a white t-shirt, complete black ensembles or leggings like I did on this look. So comfortable and I like the extra 5 inch they give me . You can get yours here, and also check out Wasteland for more 90’s inspired pieces.
Anyways, Im literally falling asleep! I almost fell asleep before posting this but I managed to publish this outfit before. My eyes are falling apart right now, im so exhausted! Hope you enjoy your saturday night! Don’t forget to enter She Inside giveaway here to win $100 on their store!
No puedo creer que recien este posteando estos tenis con plataforma en el blog. Los tengo hace ya bastante y los he usado mil veces, sobretodo para caminar por la ciudad e ir a clases por que son bien comodos aunque tengan esa plataforma de cinco pulgadas que me encanta. Por lo general los he usado con un jean azul y un t-shirt blanco, o outfits totalmente negros; panties opacas con shorts de cuero o leggings como ven aca. Pueden conseguirlos aca, .. tambien les recomiendo chequear Wasteland para mas prendas noventeras.
En fin, literalmente me estoy quedando dormida! queria postear este look y casi me quedo dormida pero felizmente no sucedio asi que aqui lo tienen. Estoy tan cansada de una semana bien agotadora asi que eso es todo por hoy. Espero que tengan una linda noche. No se olviden de participar en el concurso de She Inside para ganar $100 en su tienda