March 15, 2013
Levi’s 501
Jeans- 501 Original Fit Jeans by Levi’s
Knit Prada top- Vintage
Jacket- Second hand
Shoes- River Island (sold out) similar here
Spiked Bracelet- Merrin & Gussy
Hello! Again, another collaboration! I was so excited when Lookbook asked me to collaborate with them and Levis and try to style a pair of MENS jeans. Yes, these are original fit jeans for men by Levis and I am absolutely in love with them. I guess I was supposed to wear them in a smaller size but I decided to go for a loose size and wear them like boyfriend jeans. What do you guys think? I had to pair it with this bomber jacket because the blue shade looked so great with it. This vintage top added a softer touch to the complete ensemble.. you know.. Prada.. funny thing is, I got it for $15 in a thrift store.
Hope you guys are having a great friday, I will post so many looks in the following days and a video with a couple of clips of how I put on my make up for all of those who asked 🙂 thanks for your comments.
Este look es parte de una colaboracion con Lookbook y Levis! Esta vez tuve que combinar los 501 Original Fit Jeans de Levis que en realidad son jeans de hombre. Pude haber escogido una talla mas chica que me quedara mejor pero opte por usar unos mas grandes y llevarlos como Boyfriend Jeans. Que opinan? Siempre he querido usar estos zapatos de punta con pantalones sueltos y esta fue la ocasion perfecta.Tambien me senti obligada a usar esta casaca por que me encanta como queda con el azul del jean.. un look bien de aviador. El top y los accesorios dorados le dieron un toque mas suave al look.
Espero que tengan un lindo viernes.. posteare varios looks estos dias que vienen y un video que incluso tiene clips de como me pongo el maquillaje para todas las que preguntan 🙂 gracias por sus comentarios!