January 19, 2013
Light This City.
Leggings- Black Milk
T-shirt- Youreyeslie
Jacket- Modekungen
Last pictures I have from last year in NY! I took them around the beginning of december and totally forgot I never posted them. I was wearing galaxy leggings, again, because I love how they looked with this oversized leather jacket. Never tried that combination before. I can’t wait to post pictures with my “new” hair that looks kinda different. It not a huge change, just a bit shorter and lighter, but I love it. Keep tuned cause I will be posting another outfit soon.
Also, as I wrote on the last post, I entered a Fashiolista and Shopbop contest for the chance of winning a trip to London to see the Brit Awards. It would be such a valuable experience. If you vote you also get the chance to win $2500 to spend on Shopbop!! So you definitely get something huge in reward 🙂 You seriously have no idea how much it would mean to me if I won, I am actually surprised by the votes you have given me already and can’t thank you enough!
If you haven’t voted yet please vote for me here, every single vote counts!
Have a lovely weekend!
Ultimas fotos que tengo del anio pasado en Nueva York. Las tome como a comienzos de diciembre y me habia olvidado por completo que las tenia! Leggings de galaxia, de nuevo, por que amo como se ven con esta chaqueta oversized. No habia probado antes y me gusto mucho asi que tome las fotos. Ya quiero postear looks con el pelo que tengo ahora que se ve un poco distinto. No es un cambio masivo pero definitivamente se puede notar que esta mas corto y mas clarito . En fin, esten atentas por que posteare fotos pronto!
Tambien, como les conte en el post anterior, estoy participando en un concurso de Fashiolista y Shopbop por el premio de viajar a Londres y asistir a los Brit Awards. Todavia me cuesta imaginarlo y seria la experiencia mas increible. Si votan tambien estan participando ustedes para ganar un vale de $2500 en Shopbop asi que no lo harian por nada 🙂 En serio no se imaginan cuanto significaria para mi ganar. Ya estoy sorprendida por los votos que me han dado, muchisimas gracias!!