May 1, 2012
T-shirt & cap- Indian market around Broadway
Jacket- Second hand
Leggings- Mix Moss
Shoes – Second hand
Bracelets- Peruvian markets & Shopsway
I cant stop wearing this leggings. They are the best thing ever and they look great with everything. I got them from Mix Moss, you should check that store out.. they got some nice stuff and really affordable!
Anyways, I think am deeply & emotionally attached to this t-shirt. honestly… I have a proper fascination with indian culture since the moment I watched A Little Princess when I was about six years old. I used to watch the scenes in India over and over again and fell in love with the indian melodies of the soundtrack. It also reminds me to my mum, we used to talk (still do) so much about spiritual subjects … I feel she would appreciate this t-shirt like I do.
Anyways I know I’ve slowed down a bit with the posts but I’ve been having terribly busy days, not to mention I shipped so many stuff already! From now on keep checking back because I am going to post a lot of new outfits. Also check Le happy Shop there are only a few things left!
Hope you’re having a great week.
No puedo quitarme estas leggings, son demasaido comodas y bellas. Las consegui en Mix Moss, una tienda de la que ya les hable antes, totalmente recomendable.
En fin, creo que le tengo demasiado apego a este polo. Lo compre hace como un mes y lo he estado usando demasiado. Siempre le tuve mucho respeto y fascinacion por la cultura hindu y el budhismo. El top me recuerda mucho a mi mama tambien, se que le encantaria… cuando vivia en Peru conversaba muchisimo con ella sobre temas espirituales.
En fin, se que me he lenteado con los posts y no he posteado tantos looks ultimamente, pero he andado ocupada todo el tiempo. Ya no me quedan mas de dos semanas de clases. Chequeen el blog seguido por que planeo postear muchos outfits en estos dias. Tambien visiten la tienda Le happy Shop que ya no quedan muchas cosas!