November 8, 2012

Photo Diary II | New York


More random pictures.. I had too many so  I thought it would be better split the post in two. Most of these pictures were taken by my boyfriend after the hurricane hit the east coast. The last photo and the pictures where I’m wearing the  Chicwish parka were taken the morning after Sandy. I was freezing and wind was really strong.. We didn’t plan to take any outfit pictures because its a pretty lazy outfit but  the light was not so bad so we just tried a couple of shots. I was wearing a super comfortable sweatshirt from Your Eyes Lie. I actually wore it the other day with a more complex outfit which I will show you soon. Theres actually a couple of pics taken when I picked the package up from the post office. The jacket with the eye on the back is the one I was wearing on this post and its from She Inside. A couple are from a month ago where it was still sunny, hence the short skirt and no tights. I didnt plan to share them but I really like the outfit even though is very similar, almost the same, as the outfit I posted here.  Also.. those hellbounds (courtesy of UNIF)  are my life right now. You can actually get them here for a cheaper price.

Anyways, its been such a busy day and the weather did not help at all. Theres a big storm going on here and I cant see nothing but snow outside. I hope tomorrow gets better even though I have classes super early in the morning and it seems the storm will last all night. Ah, mother nature is not being nice at all. I hope you all have a lovely night and day tomorrow though!


Mas fotos random. Tenia tantas que pense que seria mejor dividir el post en dos! La mayoria de estas fotos son despues del huracan que hubo. La ultima foto y las que salgo usando mi parka de Chicwish fueron justo despues de Sandy. Hacia mucho frio y el viento estaba muy fuerte. No planeabamos tomar fotos del look, solo sali a ver los destrozos a la calle a la maniana siguiente pero mi chico tomo un par super rapido. Estaba usando un sweatshirt buenaso de Your Eyes Lie. En un par de fotos pueden ver cuando fui a recogerlo al post office. La casaca con el ojo es de She Inside (pueden verla tambien en este post). En unas cuantas fotos salgo usando falda nomas por que son de hace como un mes. No pensaba postearlas por que el look es basicamente este, pero me gusta asi que lo posteo igual jaja.

En fin, hoy ha sido un dia largo. Hay una tormenta de nuevo y solo veo nieve por la ventana 🙁 Que frio. Me da mucha pena por que aca todavia mucha gente se esta recuperando del huracán y el clima sigue causando problemas. Espero que esten bien ustedes! Que tengan buenas noches y un lindo dia mañana.

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