February 6, 2013
Pushing Up Daisies
Coat- She Inside
T-shirt – Standard Excess Vintage
Boots- To Be Announced
Another very basic outfit here. Its too cold I can’t even wear tights! Never thought I would wear leggings and pants too many days in a row, but keeping my legs warm lets me wear less layers and vice versa. Here I was weaing this amazing coat fom She Inside that is really good for this weather but also for less freezing weather as well. I brought it with me from Peru and wore it on the airport without suffocating. I guess it knows when to keep you warm. And this muscle tank top has to be the best goddamn print I’ve seen in a while, I literally drooled over when I saw it on Standard Excess , a lovely vintage online shop that is worth to check out. (Btw, the symbol is an ankh and its an egyptian hieroglyphic character that represents life)
By the way check Le Happy shop that im selling a lot of stuff you might like! I do shipping worldwide.
I have to get dressed right now and rush to classes. Its too cold and today I will have a hell of a busy day. Three 3-hour class in a row. Hope I dont kill myself. I mean, I love classes but when you have to sit for 9 hours it stops being nice. At least its just once a week. Have a lovely day and keep warm while you can!
Otro outfit bien basico. Hace tanto frio que no puedo usar panties (medias). Nunca pense que usaria leggings o pantalones tantos dias seguidos pero mantener la parte de abajo abrigada me permite usar menos layers arriba y vice versa. Aqui usaba un abrigo increible de She Inside que abriga perfecto a -2 c con una chompa debajo y a la vez no te sofocas si lo usas cuando no esta tan frio (me lo traje de Lima y lo use en el aeropuerto y me sorprende que no mori de calor). Y bueno este top creo que tiene uno de los mejores prints que he visto hasta ahora, como les explico que me enamore en cuanto lo vi en Standard Excess, una tienda online con cosas curadas de segunda que vale la pena chequear, tienen mil cositas lindas..
Por cierto chequeen mi tienda que estoy viendiendo varias prendas! Hago shipping a todo el mundo!
Tengo que correr y vestirme ahorita para ir a clase asi que los dejo, hoy es uno de los dias mas ocupados que tengo, incluyendo tres clases seguidas (de tres horas cada una!!!). Me gusta ir a clase, si, pero cuando tienes que sentarte 9 horas deja de ser divertido. Al menos es una vez a la semana. Que tengan un lindo dia!!!