December 27, 2011




Jacket- Second hand (H&M), Pullover- Glamour Kills, Pants- H&M, Creepers – Romwe, Blouse – vintage

Casual outfit. I literally was heading out and asked my boyfriend to take me a couple of quick snaps to show you the outfit! Really comfortable and extremely warm. Whenever you want to wear a pullover, just add a blouse underneath so that the collar peaks out, it will make the outfit look less lazy! Oh and the strands of hair near the ear look a little bit pinkish because I added some manic panic in pink those days. Now they are kind of yellow again. I really need to stop trying everything on my hair ha.
Anyways, im going in the hunt for nailpolishes today haha, here they are so cheap and they have all the shades and colors you can imagine. 

Otro outfit bien casual. Literalmente estaba saliendo a mis clases y al toque le pedi a mi chico que me tome un par de fotos para mostrarles! Creo que la blusa debajo del pullover hace que el look se vea mucho menos flojo y mas completo. Ahorita me estoy yendo con mi primo en busqueda de esmaltes, aca en Peru hay demasiada variedad de colores y no cuestan casi nada asi que aprovechare para llevarme miles.

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