June 15, 2012
She Inside is definitely one of my favorite stores ever so you can imagine how excited I got when they asked me to host this amazing giveaway. Enter to win a $100 voucher just by following these three simple steps:
1. Like my blogs facebook page: Le Happy
2. Register to She Inside (at the bottom of their website)
3. Leave a comment with your email on this post
Thats it! The giveaway ends on June 25th and the winner will be chosen at random and announced on June 26th.
Good luck!!!!!
She Inside es una de mis tiendas online favoritas asi que se imaginaran lo feliz que me puse cuando me ofrecieron sortear un voucher de $100 a uno/a de ustedes! Cualquiera puede entrar! solo tienen que:
1. Darle Like al facebook de mi blog: Le Happy
2. Registrarse en la pagina de She Inside (abajo a la izquierda deben poner su mail)
3. Dejar un comentario con su email en este post para contactarlos si es que ganan
Eso es todo! El giveaway termina el 25 de Junio y el ganador/a sera anunciado el 26. Muchisima suerte a todos/as!!