September 18, 2012
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
(leather jacket, camouflage coat, grey jacket, striped jumper, sheer white blouse, black dress, pink shorts , elastic leather shorts, army green blouse, pink sweater)
Finally another giveaway. This time, as usual I paired with She Inside to giveaway three vouchers to you guys. One voucher is worth $100, one $50 and one of $20 on items of She Inside. Three prizes so you have a lot of chances to win now. I really enjoy doing giveaways with my favorite sponsors and this is definitely the case. To enter:
1. Like Le Happy on Facebook
2. Suscribe on She Inside website. (left bottom corner of the website)
3. Leave a comment in the section below with your email address (this will be used to send you an email if you win)
For extra entries you can follow me on twitter (@luaperezg) and let me know in the comment you leave! Im definitely going to check all the entries and the last day to enter is September 28.
Good Luck 🙂
ps; outfit post later today so keep tuned!
Finalmente otro giveaway! Hace tiempo queria hacer uno. Esta vez, como siempre, el giveaway es con She Inside. Estamos sorteando tres premios: un voucher de $100 en prendas de She Inside, uno de $50 y otro de $20. Asi que esta vez tienen un monton de probabilidades de ganar. Para participar:
1. Darle Like a Le Happy en Facebook.
2. Suscribirse en la pagina de She inside (dejen su correo en la esquina abajo a la izquierda)
3. Dejar un comentario en este post con su email
Para entradas extras, pueden seguirme en Twitter (@luaperezg) y haganme saber en el comentario!
El ultimo dia para participar es el 28 de Setiembre.
suerte a todo/as!