December 27, 2012
Tan Camera Part II
These are my favorite pictures by Kimi from Tan Camera! I had to save the best for the second part.. I was wearing all vintage in the first outfit and a WHATEVER t-shirt from Local Heroes, Romwe pants and 80s purple sunnies on the second one. That t-shirt has to be the raddest one I’ve had my hands on! Great for lazy outfits or even to go to a bar with denim shorts, leather jacket and thigh high socks.
Ah Im doing so many things and I am taking the most of it over here. I seriously feel that I enjoy Peru much more just because I know I will be here for a little while and I appreciate much more every little nice thing that happens. I’m evaluating a New Years outfit and still have no clue what to wear. I usually improvise at last minute but this time I want to think of something beforehand. Do you have any ideas? I would really love to hear what you plan to wear maybe I can get some inspiration! Hope you’re having a lovely day, I will post the looks I’ve been wearing here soon!
Estas son mis fotos favoritas tomadas por Kimi de Tan Camera! Tenia que guardarlas para la segunda parte. Amo el estilo de estas fotos. Estaba usando un conjunto todo de segunda mano en el primer outfit y un t-shirt de Local Heroes, pantalones de Romwe y lentes de sol de 80’s Purple en el segundo look. El t-shirt es el mas original que he tenido hasta ahora, perfecto para dias relajados o incluso para ir a un bar con shorts de jean y medias arriba de la rodilla.
He estado haciendo tantas cosas ultimamente, pero trato de tener un tiempo para postear aca. Estoy evaluando lo que usare por anio nuevo y no tengo la mas minima idea ya que por lo general improviso pero esta vez quiero armar algo con anticipacion. Me encantaria saber como piensan ir ustedes para tener ideas y quizas me dan un poco de inspiracion. Seria increible que me cuenten! En fin, espero que tengan un lindo dia. Pronto posteare looks de aca!