November 15, 2011
The higher you are, the farther you fall
I wasnt sure about posting this. The quality of the pictures here is getting on my nerves haha, but well thats what happens when daylight saving reverts to normal making days seem shorter, and 4pm seems like 7pm. I need to take pictures earlier now. I was wearing this lovely black corduroy dress from a thrift store with a white blouse underneth. I told you, I am way into white blouses and black things on top! The rings are my new obsession, both the armour one and the turquoise stone from Jewelmint, they look even better in person.
Anyways, I also wanted to show you a little feature I got at GLOSS virtual magazine on their november issue! Thank you so much Jessica. I feel very honoured to be featured there! Oh and also, as you have requested a lot, I will make a post on make up and hair later this week! Just explaining that i use cheap products actually, hah
dont forget to enter the Romwe Giveaway, click here!