September 26, 2012
The Last Judgement.
Blue blouse- I Any Wear
Leggings- Black Milk
Jumper- Vintage
Glasses- 80s Purple
Ahh I missed wearing BM leggings. I thought the best leggings they had were the galaxy printed leggings but I was wrong. They totally excelled the galaxy ones with the pair i’m wearing above. Maybe because Early Netherlandish Art is my favorite ever. I love flemish art and its gothic influence. Artists such as Jan Van Eyck, Bosch , Van der Goes and Robert Campin are my favorites. I wasnt’ too familiar to this period until I took Art History about a year ago. Every time I went back home I found myself looking for more paintings and reading everything about the life of the artists. Even though, The Last Judgement is amazing, the one that always gets me is The Garden of Earthly Delights. I actually plan to get a poster and put it above my bed. Yes, obsession doesnt even cover it.. This period actually inspires me a lot and sometimes it translates to my clothes, such as in the look above.
I was wearing a blouse from I Any Wear. I actually forgot a couple of blouses in Peru, some of my favorites to be honest, so I got this one instead. I never wore a blue blouse before but now I think I am going to invest in more blue pieces. I think they can replace black garments. I actually thought I would pair it only with black but it seems I proved myself wrong. This amazing jumper which is vintage worked really well as layer.
By the way I wanted to share this lovely interview I got at Positive Luxury, it was so overwhelming getting a feature in such an inspiring website. Check it here. Also, thank you soo much for the tips on the last post, you guys definitely helped me a lot, I figured out what to do! i will share pictures of my room when its ready 🙂 Enter the last giveaway here, only two more days to enter!!*Extrañaba usar leggings de Black Milk. Creo que le ganaron a las de galaxia… pense que serian las mas originales pero creo que estas las han superado. Tienen el mejor print de todos. Quizas es por mi obsesion con el arte Flamenco del siglo XV. No estaba familiarizada hasta que lleve una clase hace como un año, y desde ese entonces el arte neerlandes se convirtio en mi favorito. Jan Van Eyck, Hieronymus Bosch, Van der Goes y Robert Campin son los artistas que mas me gustan. Aunque El juicio final (el de las leggings) es increible, mi favorito es El jardin de las delicias de Bosch. Cada vez que veo este periodo un poco gotico me inspiro mucho y aveces se translada a lo que uso, como en el look que ven arriba.
Estaba usando una blusa azul de I Any Wear. Me olvide varias blusas en Peru, las mejores que tenia en realidad, asi que consegui esta. Nunca he usado una blusa azul antes pero ahora voy a reconsiderar e reincorporar prendas azules a mis looks. Me gusta mucho por que pueden reemplazar a cosas negras en la mayoria de los casoss. Pense que usaria esta con un conjunto todo negro pero me encanto como quedo con esta chompa de segunda mano que consegui el otro dia.
Tambien queria compartir con ustedes esta linda entrevista que tuve en Positive Luxury! Un honor salir en una pagina como esa. Pueden verla aca. Tambien queria agradecerles por los comentarios en el ultimo post, definitivamente me ayudaron con sus tips! creo que ya se que hare, cuando este listo mi cuarto tomare fotos para mostrarles.