June 11, 2013

The Passerby.

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Blouse- second hand/ similar here
Jumper- vintage Missoni/ similar here
Leggings- Chicwish
Heels- Miss Kl or get them here
Bag – Jessica Buurman

This is one of the best bargains I’ve found ever. I went to a market here with my mom and cousin to wonder around and shop cheap stuff but everything was new and kinda basic stuff. I was actually getting bored but a couple of blocks away there was some second hand clothing so I managed to sneak there with my cousin (my mom says its deads people clothes and I’m nuts). We looked for vintage things we could wear even though we had only a couple of minutes. Man, I found this incredible Missoni jumper for such a low price. I almost die and got it right away. I also got a high neck sleeveless knit from Limited Too.. lol, reminds me when I was 10 and all I wanted was Limited Too clothings and Lisa Frank stickers.
Anyways, I’ve also been wearing these leggings from Chicwish a lot, they look much better than regular leggings and actually give texture to any outfit.
Hope you are all enjoying your week. Have a great day!
Este cardigan es uno de los mejores tesoros que he encontrado de segunda hasta ahora. Fui a un mercado con mi madre y primo chismear y ver si comprabamos algo, pero todo era nuevo y no soy muy fan de las cosas basicas nuevas asi que me aburri al toque.. a un par de cuadras vendian ropa de segunda y logre escaparme con mi primo un ratito pensando que no conseguiria nada. Apenas llegamos vi este cardigan bello de Missoni tirado en una montaña de ropa.. el precio era increible, asi que lo lleve en el acto. Tambien me compre un top de cuello alto de Limited Too , jaja algo que probablemente tuve cuando tenia 10 años y solo queria ropa Limited Too y stickers de Lisa Frank.
En fin, he estado usando estas leggings de Chicwish bastante seguido, son mas bonitas que unas leggings regulares y le dan textura a cualquier look.
Espero que esten teniendo una buena semana, que tengan un lindo dia!

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