May 5, 2012
Twinne x Le Happy
Ok so as you may have seen on my latest posts (1, 2), I seriously love Twinne and their tees . Since I read that many of you loved them too,I paired with them and we are going to give away three t-shirts to three of my readers 🙂 . I love doing giveaways to thank you for all your support.
To enter you have to:
1. Like Le Happy on Facebook
2. Like Twinne on Facebook
3. Leave a comment below with the title of your favorite t-shirt from their collection (the one you will get if you win!) and your email.
Giveaway will last one week. Good luck!
Como se habran dado cuenta en mis ultimos posts (1, 2) , me encanta Twinne. Note que a muchos de ustedes tambien les gusto los t-shirts asi que Twinne y mi blog estamos sorteando tres t-shirts a tres de ustedes! Pueden ver la coleccion aca. Siempre quiero agradecerles por todo el apoyo asi que esta es una gran oportunidad para hacerlo 🙂
Solo tienen que:
1. Darle Like a Le Happy en Facebook
2. Darle Like a Twinne en Facebook
3. Dejar un comentario con su t-shirt favorito de su coleccion (el cual ganarian!) y su email.
El giveaway durara una semana. Buena suerte!!