April 8, 2011

When I wake its kaleidoscopic mind


Some new stuff I got. First, the shorts which were made by me from a big lace fabric. Tried to do it as an experiment but it ended up better than expected so just threw them on. The artesanal cuffs are from the little tiny hippie stand i told you about! the colourful one is made with a traditional peruvian textile. They were less than two dollars each.  And well the inca necklace is moms, its incredible the amazing stuff she still conserves from her teenage years.
I have been listening to Moby like a madman, you wont believe how many times I have listened to Porcelain, one of my new favorite songs. How come I never heard it before, life has some sense now.
oh and i havent forgot about posting some pictures of my new bags, just keep an eye here.

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