August 26, 2010
You just know, you just do
Finally got a charger for my camera and decided to put it on use. My cousin has the same camera so he lent me his charger. Im wearing a vintage skirt I have a long time ago. Its the 100th time im using it, but the first time I post a picture with it. The top and oxfords are vintage too. I really like this lace antique looking top. It will be mad good wearing it on summer, specially for its lightness.
Im an ickle bit scared of my obssesion with VCR (from the XX). Really, heard it 96 times in two weeks. Is that normal or am I insane. Now I have to study for an exam I have tomorrow and all I want to do is watch TV! To procrastinate, or not to procrastinate: that is the question. Lets see what I end up doing.