September 13, 2012
You Know You’re Right
Bag- Romwe
Jacket- Vintage
Creepers- Miracle Eye
Skirt- Goodnight Macaroon
Tee- O- Mighty
I wore this some time ago. I’m not sure about the pictures since the light sucked that day, but I really love this outfit so I’m posting it anyways. I usually receive a lot of emails asking me where I got my creepers. Well, the ones i’m wearing here are from Miracle Eye. Totally love them and plan to wear them too.. my older ones are already falling apart. If you’re looking for a pair I totally recommend these, they are very lightweighted and proper comfortable… not to mention they are 100% vegan :)Anyways, I also wanted to tell you I’ve been using instagram a lot lately. follow me if you want to see what I’m up to when Im not blogging! username: luanna90 *Este look lo use hace varios dias. No estaba segura de postearlo ya que la luz ese dia no ayudo mucho con la nitidez pero igual queria mostrarles el look.Casi siempre recibo mails preguntando donde consegui mis creepers. Bueno las que uso aca son de Miracle Eye. Me encantan.. planeo usarlas bastante ya que las otras estan viejitas y se estan cayendo a pedazos 🙁 Si buscan creepers les recomiendo estas! son super comodas y no pesan nada.. y lo mejor es que son 100% veganas.En fin queria cotarles que he estado usando instagram ultimamente. Siganme si quieren ver en que ando cuando no estoy posteando aca. username: luanna90