March 2, 2013
A Sense Of Purpose
Shorts- Market HQ
Mesh cardigan – Black Milk Clothing
Spiked bracelet- Merrin and Gussy
Black top- second hand
Sunnies- 80’s Purple
Rings- Vanessa Mooney
Fake fur collar- River island
Black ensembles will always be my favorites, specially when you pair together different fabrics and textures. If you realize, I always add this wide brim hat when I wear all black, theres something witchy about it that its the perfect addition to black outfits. I also added this huge fake fur collar from River Island to add some depth to the look .. I basically got it to pair it on top of big coats but I’ll definitely wear it with thin cardigans now.
Theres loads of outfit posts to come on the blog, I have been shooting my outfits lately cause the weather has been way too kind and I don’t have to wear huge coats anymore. Hope this lasts though, you never know here in New York.. somedays its spring and other days you’re in antarctic.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend
Los conjuntos negros siempre son mis favoritos, sobretodo se trata de prendas de diferentes texturas. Si se fijan bien siempre me pongo este sombrero con estos looks negros, le da ese toque que falta y una onda medio de bruja que siempre me ha gustado. Tambien incorpore el collar de piel falsa para darle mas profundidad al look.
Se vienen muchos looks en el blog por que he podido tomar fotos ultimamente, el clima esta mucho mejor y ya no tengo que usar abrigos gigantes..solo espero que dure, nunca se sabe en NY , aveces parece que ya es primavera y de un momento a otro estas en antartida.
Espero que tengan un lindo fin de semana.