July 18, 2014
Shirt- Abaday
Blouse- Vintage
Skirt- similar here
Shoes – vintage / similar here
Bag – Chicwish
This day I decided to switch things and go for a high school inspired outfit with some super flat buckled loafers I got off Etsy (so happy with my purchase) and an updo with my glasses… wish I could’ve wear black tights though, it was so hot in New York so the most I could do was wear some grey socks.
On another note, I’ve been thrifting here too, but man its really hard to be honest, the clothes are all in piles and you have to search so hard its exhausting. I was with one of my best friends yesterday and we even joked about how many calories we were consuming with our eyes because you have to really think outside the box and see if you can do something with whatever you find. I ended up getting a couple of iridescence blouses (that remind me of my sweet sixteen dresses lol) , a granny jumper and a couple of maxi skirts I love. I also can’t wait to go back to NY to see some 90s lace up booties I bought off etsy (been shopping there a lot lately), they are so good I’m already hyperventilating.
Este dia me provoco alternar un poco y irme por un look inspirado en la onda escolar con unos zapatitos tipo mocasines que compre a traves de Etsy y un moño con mis lentes. Me hubiera gustado usar panties negras pero como hace tanto calor en NY lo maximo que pude es ponerme medias chicas de otro color.
Les cuento que he estado consiguiendo ropa de segunda aca pero es tan dificil, la ropa en donde consigo esta en torres de torres y tienes que buscar tanto que es cansador. Fui con una de mis mejores amigas y terminamos bromeando sobre cuantas calorias estabamos quemando con los ojos tratando de proyectarnos que hacer con lo que encontrabamos y ver si valia la pena. En fin, termine comprandome un par de blusas como tornasoladas (que me recuerda a mis vestidos de quinces), un sweater de abuelita y unas faldas largas bellas. Tambien estoy emocionada por que llegando a Nueva York vere unas botitas noventeras que me pedi por Etsy, ya quiero verlas!