February 4, 2016

Back to the cold.

Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and yoga pants
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and eyeglasses
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and yoga pants
Le Happy wearing navy blazer and Few Moda scarf
Le Happy wearing navy blazer and Few Moda scarf
Le Happy wearing Few Moda scarf and eyeglasses
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and yoga pants
Le Happy wearing Few Moda scarf and eyeglasses
Le Happy wearing navy blazer and peruvian knit sweater
Le Happy wearing Few Moda scarf and eyeglasses
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and yoga pants
Le Happy wearing Few Moda scarf and eyeglasses
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and chunky scarf
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and chunky scarf
Le Happy wearing peruvian printed sweater and yoga pants
Le Happy wearing peruvian sweater and yoga pants

Sweater- from Cusco / similar here and here
Scarf – Few Moda
Pants- American Eagle
Glasses- Glasses Usa
Shoes – Area / similar here

Or shop the look below:

You probably heard about the storm we had lately. I swear arrived from Peru and a few hours later there was a massive snowstorm with blizzard included. I guess the gods heard my plead for winter and decided to take the whole thing to another level. Good part is that I actually loved every second of it. It was refreshing to step outside and feel the snow in my face (literally) and to walk miles with my boyfriend trying to get food to stock and “survive”. The warnings were actually pretty alarming to be honest. But anyways, this was the day after, when everything was covered in white and the streets looked like perfect blankets. I wore the blue coat but took it off for the photos because thats how I looked indoors (most of the day). That day we went to Ikea to buy some furniture so I decided to put on some comfy threads. I just love wearing these pants with chunky shoes, so they stop looking like yoga pants. I got them on a random store a while ago but I’m so happy I found the exact same model on AEO. I already got their grey ones too. How do you wear sweatpants? or do you wear them at all?
Probablemente escucharon sobre la tormenta que tuvimos hace poco. Les juro que llegue de Peru y horas despues anunciaron una tormenta de nieve terrible. Supongo que los dioses escucharon mis plegarias por invierno y llevaron la cosa al extremo. Lo bueno es que disfrute cada momento, fue refrescante salir y sentir la nieve en la cara (literalmente) y caminar millas con mi chico para buscar provisiones para “sobrevivir”. En fin, esto fue el dia despues, cuando todo estaba lleno de nieve y las calles parecian sabanas blancas. Me puse el abrigo azul pero me lo quite para las fotos por que basicamente asi ande todo el dia en lugares cerrados. Ese dia fuimos a Ikea a comprar muebles asi que decidi usar un look super comodo. Me encantan estos pantalones sueltos pero siempre los uso con zapatos chunky para que dejen de parecer pantalones para hacer yoga. Los compre hace aƱos en una tienda random pero finalmente encontre el mismo modelo en AEO y ya me pedi el gris! Ustedes usan buzos para el diario? como los usan? me encantaria tener mas ideas!

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