October 22, 2015

Chunky Knit.

388A1913 388A1885 copy 388A1897 388A1978 388A1892 copy 388A1963 copy 388A1891 388A1921-2 388A1974 388A1876-2 copy 388A2002 copy 388A2031-2
Sweater – Free People
Jeans- old/ similar here
Shoes –ASKA/ budget here and here
Bag- Coach Swagger
Sunglasses – vintage/ similar here

Cozied up with a chunky knit and some casual jeans for an every day look. This outfit is as straight forward as it gets and perfect for those cold days you want to look put together but still remain comfortable. I added a collared blouse and  put my hair in a high bun to balance the slouchiness and look a little more polished… But obviously my bun will always look somehow messy because of the infinite colors on my hair.
Anyways, how fast has this week passed already! I’m shocked I just looked at the corner to see what day it was (to say hope you have a nice “…day”) and its thursday already? haha ok, I’m happy now.  So excited for the weekend and also to share my post from my latest trip!! Have a lovely one!
Un look rico y abrigador para esos dias frios que quiero verme un vestida pero anda comoda todo el rato. Es super simple de armar por que solo se basa en blancos y negros! Le añadi una blusa con cuello y me hice un moño alto para que se me vea un poco mas “elegante” de cierta manera y balancear el sweater que es demasiado holgado. Obviamente mi moño jamas va a ser perfecto por que digamos que tengo un arcoiris en la cabeza con todos los tonos de rojo jaja.
En fin, que rapido se ha pasado la semana! estoy un poco en shock ahorita que vi la fecha para ver que dia era y decir “que tengan un lindo …” y ya es jueves? En fin, ya me puse de buen humor ya que va a ser un buen fin de semana. Tambien pronto estare posteando las fotos de mi ultimo viaje! que tengan un lindo dia!

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