April 11, 2015
Tee- Anarchist Apparel
Shorts – Vintage/ here
Sunnies – Ray Ban
Creepers – TUK
Lipstick – BITE in Fig
I wore this look in Peru when I went there to spend the summer. I’ve had them for a while and I thought today was the perfect timing as summer is almost here and many are going to Coachella! Wish I could go this year but I have family visiting and I’m actually having such a lovely time 🙂 I would totally wear this for a festival though, its such a classic look and I’m a fan of Motorhead. I decided to go for pastel lips to add a soft touch to the rough look and a high ponytail because it was so hot I literally felt like dying. Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend!!
Este look lo use la ultima vez que fui a Peru y era verano. Las he tenido un buen tiempo y creo que hoy era el dia perfecto para postearlo ya que casi es verano y muchos estan en Coachella ahorita. Me hubiese gustado ir pero mi familia ha venido a visitar y la estoy pasando tan lindo 🙂 en fin, si estuviese en un festival este seria el look que me pondria la mayoria de los dias. Shorts y un polo de banda es un look bien clasico que me encanta… sobretodo si es top es de Motorhead. Me puse un lipstick clarito para darle un toque mas suave al look y cola por que me estaba asfixiando de calor. Que tengan un lindo fin de semana!