October 25, 2013


untitled-7 copyNever thought I would pair black, gold and bright blue, but apparently it worked for me. Sometimes we just need to play with our stuff and see what unexpected color palette we come up with.

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Jacket- Similar here
T-shirt- Tarte Vintage
Blouse- Vintage
Shorts- Old/ similar here
Boots- Unif

Band t-shirt once again because I can’t get over them, apparently. I wore it with a pair of black shorts in attempt to switch my denim ones (big change huh) and a glittery blouse, one of my favorite vintage pieces. I actually prefer purple glitter but this time the look called for gold. I’ve been forcing myself to go thrifting when I find a free time because it literally helps me relax a lot. Seriously, walking around and looking at the brilliant old garments is like therapy for me. I got a lot of velvet pieces just in time for winter. Hope you enjoy your friday, I’m off to get a floor. Yes, a floor. My bedroom floor was recently built but its not too solid and lets say, cosy to walk in, so I need to make some major fixtures and get a good wood to cover it. Also, I’m looking for a printed wallpaper, I want a floral one. If you know where I can get more for a better price please feel free to help!
Una vez mas un polo de banda por que nunca me cansare de usarlos. Lo use con un par de shorts negros para un cambio (a los de jean, gran cambio) y una blusa escarchada, mi tipo de prenda vintage favorita. Prefiero mis blusas con escarcha moradas pero este look iba con dorado. Ya quiero mostrarles lo ultimo que he comprado de segunda. Esta semana he ido a mil thrift stores por que necesitaba relajarme de unos dias terribles y he tenido suerte. Estoy feliz con todo lo que consegui, la mayoria de prendas son de terciopelo… perfecto para invierno. Ya las veran en el blog.
En fin, que tengan un gran viernes, yo me voy a comprar un piso! Asi es, necesito cubrir mi piso de madera que pusieron hace poco ya que no es muy comodo que digamos. Tambien ando buscando un papel tapiz para pared con estampado vintage, si tienen alguna tienda online con buenos precios haganmelo saber!

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