March 15, 2011

I wish I was like you, easily amused


Some pictures from last week. In the last one im with Rosi, again! I was wearing those shorts I told you about. I attempted to dye them in black but I mixed the fixer with the dye together thinking it was salt (dont ask why), and therefore the result was a complete disaster.  At least they dont look that bad combined with a black top. The top was a simple black t-shirt, which I modified (turned it into a fringed top). The vest is an old vest I got from my last trip to the US (a year ago), got it for 3 dollars at Savers.
 I got the foxtail from the lovely Stacey from devorelebeaumonstre by entering her giveaway a couple of months ago. I couldnt believe I won since I never enter giveaways, About that.. ive always wanted to do giveaways but its so expensive to ship from Peru, really. The other day I called and almost ask the lady for the price five times before hanging up. I would love to give away some nice stuff I have and never use anymore though. Oh and ive been  going to the gym lately and didnt realize working out so hard on the weight machines would make my thighs muscles bigger. Great. My friendship with those machines is over now.

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