July 22, 2016
Top – Valfre
Jeans – River Island / similar here and here
Shoes – Stella Mc Cartney
Sunnies- vintage / similar here
Backpack – Vintage Coach / similar here
Another day another outfit with mom jeans, oops. I love me a cute outfit when wearing these type of jeans, channeling a 90s high school kid somewhat Clarissa and My So Called life inspired. I grew up watching those shows so its kinda natural for me to take that route. Its so much easier to pair mom jeans in summer its crazy. Just add a cute crop top or t-shirt and it will work…it will always work. This time I was wearing such a ridiculously cute tee, but I wanted it to make it even worse so added this neck collar (which I pretty much add to every single t-shirt). Valfre is slowly becoming one of my favorite brands out there, man they just keep getting better and better.
Anyway, I have to rush because I’m heading to a festival today! just when I thought festival season was over huh. I’m going with a brand and will do a round up blog post with all my outfits next week 🙂 stay tuned!
Otro dia perfecto para usar mom jeans. Disculpen pero creo que nunca me cansare de usarlos! Me encantan los looks mas cute cuando uso este tipo de pantalones, como para recordar esos dias de Clarissa y My So Called Life. Creci viendo esos shows asi que naturalmente me inspiro mucho de ellos cuando uso jeans a la cintura. He estado usando mas de estos por que es tan facil usarlos en verano a comparacion de invierno. Solo combinarlos con un t-shirt o crop top y el look siempre funciona. Esta vez me puse un top demasiado bello con un collar mio blanco que siempre le pongo a todos mis t-shirts cuando el look funciona.
En fin, debo correr por que me estoy yendo a un festival hoy. Justo cuando pense que la epoca de festivales de musica se habia acabado ja. Estoy yendo con una marca y estare haciendo un blog post con todos mis outfits la proxima semana 🙂