August 6, 2015
Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.
Top – vintage / similar here and here
Skirt – Nine Crows
Shoes – ASOS
Bag- Spartina
All I remember about this day is that it was raining, and I liked my outfit a lot so I tried to take a picture and ended up taking a few of my plants. Since my boyfriend was around I asked him to take a couple more so you can see the full look. If you guys are searching for the perfect tennis skirt this is the right one, its a little looser and thinner than others which makes it more comfy and falls so well. I wore this vintage Rolling Stones tee I got recently, it was actually hanging as decoration behind the counter but I had to as the lady to take it down for me lol, I always end up doing that. I’ve been on a vintage spree lately and man I can’t stress enough how much stuff I’ve got. I’ve been lucky with my finds lately 🙂 hope you guys like this look, let me know your thoughts!
Todo lo que recuerdo de este dia es que llovia y me gusto mi outfit, entonces intente tomarle una foto al espejo y alguna de mis plantas. Como mi chico estaba por ahi le termine pidiendo que me tome un par mas y termino siendo un outfit completo. Si estan buscando la falda de tennis perfecta negra, es un toque mas suelta de las normales y cae super bien en el cuerpo, mucho mas comoda ya que es mas delgada que las de siempre. Me puse este tshirt de Rolling Stones vintage que encontre colgado detras del counter en una tienda vintage. Tuve que rogarle a los de la tienda que me lo bajen por que estaba para mostrar tipo decoracion! siempre termino haciendo eso… ultimamente he comprado tanto vintage por que he tenido suerte de encontrar cosas increibles, ya les mostrare. Espero que les haya gustado el look, cuentenme en los comentarios!