February 19, 2016
Photos by Craig Arend / Altamira NYC
Channeling some mod vibes in monochrome with a little edge over here. These photos are from my visit to the ShopStyle Social House during New York Fashion Week where I could rest in between the madness and pick up an outfit to wear. I absolutely loved Macy’s INC (International Concepts Clothing) brand and their classic black and white pieces so I put this outfit together with some retro inspired make up and hair. I particularly can’t get over the fit of the dress (worn as jacket) and knitted top. I swear the waist silhouette is so flattering for the body. I paired both with some super comfy slim leggings.
Shopstyle x Macys x Le Happy from luanna perez-garreaud on Vimeo.
We also filmed a quick video that day where I could explain a little bit more about the look and some fashion week thoughts. And yes, I need to work on the faces I do when I’m behind a video camera haha, I was a little nervous. Hope you guys enjoy the video and if you liked the outfit you can shop it below and also check other INC by Macy’s pieces I loved.