April 22, 2015

Moon of the Wolf

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Blazer- Romwe
Sweatshirt – Walk Trendy
Skirt – similar here
Shoes – Forever 21

Hello everybody. This is one of my favorite skirts, I swear I wear it too much. It has even shrunked a bit because of obvious reasons but I actually think it looks better now because proportions are actually my size. Shoes are new… finally right? I honestly wear the same three pairs of shoes all the time, (chunky boots, creepers and my buckled shoes) so I pushed myself to experiment with different ones. These are super cute because they are pointy and have a slight flatform. God how I love flatforms.

 I have too many outfits to post and I just want to post them all at once. I proper feel more inspired now that the weather is actually bearable so outfit ideas have been more frequent. Its funny how people in the streets have a radically different attitude and walk with a smile on their face. Its like we’ve been locked during winter and finally experience sun rays and all that stuff. Its cute though. Spring is a good season.


Hola a todos. Esta es una de mis faldas favoritas ,les juro que la uso tanto que se ha encogido un poco pero creo que ahora se ve mejor. Los zapatitos son nuevos tambien… al fin no? Les juro que siempre uso los mismos tres pares (botas chunky, creepers y botas con correas) asi que decidi experimentar con otro tipo de zapatos. Estos son super lindos por que van en punta y tienen un poco de plataforma. Siempre voy a amar las plataformas.

Les juro que tengo tantos outfits que quiero postearlos todos de una vez. Estoy mucho mas inspirada ahora que el clima es aguantable asi que tengo mas ideas todo el tiempo. Es gracioso ver como la gente en las calles tiene otra actitud y una sonrisa en la cara. Es como si hubiesemos estado encerrados todo el invierno y al fin salimos a la luz del sol.

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