February 15, 2014
This look is pretty much everything I love, all at once.
Corset- Dolls Kill
Shorts- Dolls Kill
Shoes – Dolls Kill
Velvet blazer- Vintage/ similar here
I love all these pieces independently. You have seen me pair velvet blazers with dresses or vintage tees, the shorts with sweaters and blouses, the corset with skirts.. but never all of it together. A dressy look enough to go out but still subtle in colors. Most of the pieces are from Dolls Kill, a store some of you know already. They got the best stuff from brands I love like UNIF, One Teaspoon, Lip Service, TUK, Cheap Monday, etc. They are actually having a contest right now where you can win $500. How good is that. You can enter here.
Anyways here I was also wearing the clip on extensions, I havent had time to take pictures after I got them but I promise I will do super soon! I want to share some new pieces and also show you how the streets are all covered in snow. Hope you have a great saturday.
Me encantan todas estas prendas independientemente. Ya me habia visto combinar este blazer con vestidos o t-shirts de banda, los shorts con sweaters, corsets con faldas, pero nunca me habia puesto todo en un conjunto y como es jean y negro quedo bien. Elegante para salir pero medio sutil por la falta de colores fuertes. La mayoria de las prendas que uso son de Dolls Kill, una tienda online increible que probablemente ya conocen, tienen casi todas mis marcas favoritas.. UNIF, One Teaspoon, TUK, Cheap Monday, etc. Justo ahorita estan sorteando un vale de $500 para usar en su tienda, pueden participar aca.
En fin aqui tambien usaba mis extensiones de clip, no he tenido tiempo de tomar fotos luego de ir a la peluqueria, pero prometo que lo hare pronto. Ya queiro mostrarles lo blancas que estan las calles. Que tengan un lindo sabado.