April 1, 2014



Sorry ma, but I had to.

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Sweatshirt- Petals and Peacocks
Jeans- River Island (comes with belt)

 I’m not sure how to put into words my obsession with River Islands denim. I fell so in love with their acid wash mom jeans that I had to try a lighter version for even better vintage realness. And man, I literally would wear them every day and night. This day was rainy and crappy so I asked my boyfriend to snap a couple of pictures of my outfit indoors, in my loft… on my kitchen. It’s pretty straight forward: a black and white sweatshirt, chunky boots and jeans. Nothing else was needed to channel my moms everyday outfit in the late 80s.
No se como explicar lo mucho que me gusta la coleccion de denim de River Island. Me enamore de los mom jeans en acid wash pero tuve que probar esta version mas clara para un look aun mas vintage. Les juro que podria usarlos todo el dia y noche. Este dia llovio y estaba feo afuera asi que le pedi a mi chico que tomara un par de fotos adentro. en mi loft.. en mi cocina. Es bien simple y facil de armar: los mom jeans, un sweatshirt blanco y negro y mis botines adorados. Lo necesario para el look tipico de mi madre a fines de los 80s.


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