May 27, 2015
Blazer – Missguided
Pants – AYR
T-shirt – Inu Inu
Shoes – Chucks via Kill Joy Vintage
Not your typical silhouette today. I put this together a couple of weeks ago (when my hair tips were darker) because I wanted to be comfy and move around all day. To be honest, I’ve never had a pair of black chucks before because of one reason: I don’t like them when they’re too new… or too white for that matter. I just have a thing with brand new shoes that have white on it, the contrast just kills me. So the solution for me to wear them was to get a second hand pair. Man, I love them so much. It takes me back to when I was 13 years old and didn’t own creepers so wore sneakers 24/7. I actually had a pair of sneakers that looked like converse but with a huge platform and they had some glitter on it… literally taken out of a Spice Girls music video. Anyways, I topped the look with a pinstriped blazer to add a little dressier touch to it. The pants and sneakers were too sporty for my taste. Its one of those looks you wear to run errands all day. Would’ve also looked good with a high bun instead of the beanie.
On another note, I hope you guys liked the previous video, I’m thrilled to do more videos in general, maybe another make up video and some other video diaries. Would love to hear some suggestions. have a nice one 🙂
No es la tipica silueta de siempre ya que es un look super comodo que use hace un par de semanas para caminar todo el dia. Para ser completamente honesta, nunca he tenido unas converse negras por una razon: no soporto los zapatos nuevos que tienen contraste de blanco y negro… cuando el blanco resalta demasiado. Asi que la solucion fue conseguirme un par de chucks usadas que no tengan tanto contraste. Finalmente encontre unas usadas y las amo. Me hacen acordar cuando tenia 13 años y no usaba creepers si no zapatillas todo el dia. Incluso tenia un par que parecian All Stars pero con una plataforma enorme, casi sacadas de un video clip de las Spice Girls. En fin, termine el look que ven arriba con un blazer para bajarle el tono deportivo. Tambien habria quedado bien con un moño en vez del beanie.
Por otro lado, espero que les haya gustado el video del ultimo post! Mil gracias por sus comentarios. Definitivamente posteare videos mas seguido (ya estoy trabajando en el siguiente). Me encantaria saber si tienen otras ideas que les gustaria ver. Que tengan un lindo dia!