August 1, 2011
Random days
(Ok here we go …Black cape- secondhand, snakeskin top – Fashionpash, first pair of shorts- vintage, second pair of shorts- Omeneye, lace bodysuit-secondhand, glittery as hell top- vintage, snakeskin blouse- secondhand, sequined dress- Iwearsin, Snake earring- Regal Rose, light blue shorts-Gigi vintage, leather jacket- Forever 21, wolf top-secondhand and striped dress- DAG and all the necklaces are from a hippie stand. I will have nightmares of me typing the word snake.)
These are random shots I never posted. I hate messy posts where theres no relation between the pictures but well, I guess I just wanted to post them all at once! Anyways today has been a lazy day.. been in my room all day scrolling down some funny tumblrs. If you want to have a laugh and forget that its sunday check here , here or here, some of the posts are hilarious.
ps. The winner of the Material Attention Giveaway is Meghann Brittney! You will get contacted by email soon. Congratulations!