October 9, 2013
This outfit is kinda old, as in I wore it right when I moved in to my new apt and it was so hot I could even bare wearing a mini skirt and top.

Skirt- Romwe
Shoes- MISS KL
Flannel- Cousins/ similar here
The flannel is my cousins and I’ve been tieing it up on my waist everytime I wore a black / white/ denim outfit. It adds a lot and its practical as hell when the weather randomly decides to change… and that happens all the time here in NY, you never know when you need an eskimo coat or take everything off. The pictures are from right in front of my apartment, literally dont know why there is a beautiful couch out there, we even took pictures in it but I look like a dumbass so not posting them ha. We always come across the most weird stuff on the streets… its so funny when my boyfriend comes with a random DVD player or microwave and Im like ARE YOU SERIOUS? Anyways, I gotta run to see my aunts and go to the museum as part of my birthday celebration, hope you’re enjoying your week!
Este look es un poco viejo, de cuando recien me mude a mi nuevo depa y hacia tanto calor que con las justas podia usar minifalda y un top. La camisa de cuadros es de mi primo, la he estado amarrando a la cintura cada vez que uso blanco con negro o denim. Le da un monton de color y es super practico para cuando el clima decide volverse loco.. cosa que pasa todo el dia en NY, puedes ver que va a hacer frio o calor y eventualmente cambia, nunca sabes si te vas a quitar todo o ponerte un abrigo de esquimal al final del dia. Las fotos son de aca afuera al frente de mi depa.. si, ese es un sillon hermoso, incluso tomamos fotos en el pero me veo tan ridicula que no las postie ja. Siempre nos encontramos con cosas rarasas en la calle, es chistoso cuando de la nada mi chico regresa con un microondas o una consola de DVD. En fin debo correr a ver a mis tias e ir al museo como parte dos de mi cumpleaƱos. Que tengan una linda semana!