April 29, 2014
My favorite kind of outfit.
Jacket- Lulu*s
Top- Vintage
Skort- Stelly
So it was about time to go back to my usual outfit post.. I missed my docs and thigh high socks outfits. I think the weather changes are constantly confusing me when it comes to dressing up, one day its warm and nice outside, the other day is raining and winter cold so I just throw on basic pieces to play it safe. This was another outfit I wore this weekend. As much as I try different things, I will always be into the plaid and leather combo (since 2007, I know) its my weakness. The skirt is the best invention ever because it looks super tiny but it is actually a skort so I felt very comfortable with it.
By the way Lulu*s are giving away a $500 gift card on their Fashion Face-Off contest via instagram where you can share a look with a specific trend and use the hashtag. This time its teamleather vs teamlace. Team leather all the way 😀
Ya era hora de volver a mis looks tipicos.. de vez en cuando no hace mal, extrañaba mis docs con medias arriba de la rodilla. El constante cambio de clima no ayuda a armar outfits por que confunde que un dia haga demasiado frio y al dia siguiente parezca verano asi que simplemente me voy por looks basicos y seguros (jeans, t-shirt y mis creepers). Este fin de semana finalmente me anime de nuevo y me puse este outfit.. por mas que trato distintas cosas nunca me voy a cansar del plaid combinado con cuero. Lo mejor de todo es que la falda en realidad es un short (tan practico) asi que andaba super comoda.
Les cuento que Lulu*s estan regalando $500 en su concurso de Fashion Face – Off, via instagram. Pueden compartir su look y añadiendo el hashtag del trend de la semana participan Esta semana es teamleather vs teamlace!