July 19, 2017
One of my favorite things and the reasons why I’m so passionate about what I do is the amazing opportunities that come along the way. And being invited by Revolve to stay a weekend in the Hamptons was definitely one to remember. It was a dream come true, wearing the cutest clothes, spending time with new friends, doing the most with amazing activities organized by the team and delicious food in an incredible house was definitely an experience we will keep close to our hearts!
After spending the entire weekend with the Revolve crew I can only say I was so inspired. The way the organized everything was impeccable. The atmosphere was so friendly and amazing and I couldn’t put into words how great the team was. No wonder why the brand is so successful. The founders definitely did an amazing job in gathering the best team and turning it into a family, and I couldn’t thank them enough for letting me be a part of their Hamptons experience.
Now lets get into the photos 🙂 See below for all the outfits I wore for all the fun events at the house!
Una de las razones por las que amo mi trabajo es la cantidad de increibles oportunidades que este trae… y haber sido invitado el fin de semana pasado a los Hamptons por Revolve fue definitivamente una experiencia para recordar. La verdad es que me ha inspirado muchisimo y no podria estar mas agradecida! La pasamos increible, haciendo nuevos amigos, con ropa hermosa, actividades demasiado divertidas y momentos chistosos y la comida mas rica. Revolve es una marca que ha sido muy exitosa y luego de pasar tiempo con ellos no me queda duda del por que…. el equipo realmente se ha convertido en una familia!
En fin, mas abajo les comparto todos los looks que use, y un poquito mas de lo que hicimos el fin de semana 🙂 espero que disfruten!
Our first night was an amazing dinner with L’Academie. The table set up was so perfect with beautiful flower arrangement and candles in pink glasses! I wore this lovely muted baby blue dress with crochet detailing from Revolve, perfect for a not so casual, not so dressy night out. Please ignore my awkward pose, I wish I had taken a better selfie.
La primera noche tuvimos una cena con L’Academie. La decoracion era un sueño con los arreglos florales mas bellos y velas en vidrios rosados. Me puse este vestido de crochet celeste de Revolve, perfecto para una noche no tan casual ni tan elegante.
Then on Saturday we spent the morning at the pool with the swans haha. I wore this bodysuit from Tularosa with some tassels… very comfortable and perfect to move around! The swim is sold out but they have this separate set which is essentially the same style but a bikini!
We also had a shopping spree at the house with some of the coolest brands! I wore this gorgeous Lovers and Friends maxi skirt with an old Lovers and Friends crop top (you know, when you truly love a brand). The day was beautiful and there were so many fun things to do at the huge garden in the house! I obviously had to sit in that wooden and rope swing hehe. If you wonder I was wearing flats. I was surprised that the skirt had the perfect length.
Luego el sabado pasamos la mañana en la piscina y use este enterizo de Tularosa amarillo. Super comodo para andar por todos lados. Por si lo quieren, lamentablemente esta fuera de stock pero tienen este set que es super parecido pero en modelo de bikini.
Luego al medio dia nos cambiamos para algunas actividades y almorzar. Me puse esta maxi falda floreada de Lovers and Friends que me encanto. El largo era perfecto! por si se preguntan usaba sandalias chatas y aun asi me quedaba bien de largo.
Get the skirt here
That night we had dinner with Privacy Please, one of my favorite brands from Revolve. I always resort on them for the perfect floral pieces so I wore this floral tropical maxi dress with some ruffle detailing and side slit detail.
Por la noche, fuimos a comer con Privacy Please, una de mis marcas favoritas de Revolve. Siempre los busco cuando quiero prendas con estampados lindos y floreados. Me puse este vestido de flores negro que tenia un detalle abierto en la pierna que pueden encontrar aca.
Also how gorgeous was this white piano.. I fell in love. You can get the Privacy Please dress here and Raye sandals here!
Following the dinner we went to party literally downstairs the house…. because Revolve has an actual club going on underground. I’m not even kidding. It was so crazy to just get changed and go downstairs to dance and have fun with all the crazy neon lights. I wore this Hours bodysuit with gold sequins and a mesh fabric perfect for a night out.
Esa noche despues de comer fuimos a bailar y pasarla bien al club de Revolve… que literalmente quedaba abajo de nuestra casa! Les juro. Bajabas las escaleras y habia todo un club como discoteca con luces de neon y los mejores DJS. Nada como cambiarte y no tener que ir muy lejos para pasarla bien jeje. Me puse este bodysuit de mesh con detalles dorados de Hours.
Get the gold feathers bodysuit here!
Then on Sunday we had breakfast and spent the day at the beach with Lovers and Friends! god how I missed the ocean. We had the most amazing sea food and lots of Montauk beer 🙂
Finalmente el ultimo dia fuimos a la playa con Lovers and Friends! como extrañaba el mar. La pasamos super bien con comida de mar y un monton de cerveza de Montauk 🙂
I wanted to wear something easy to put on and take off so I went for this Lovers and Friends gingham wrap up dress that you can get here. It really is so flattering because you can tie it up to the body depending on how tight you want it. I literally wore it like a robe at some point haha.
Queria ir comoda asi que me puse un vestidito de Lovers and Friends que simplemente se amarra adelante… super comodo por que solo te lo pones como bata y lo amarras y se amolda al tipo de cuerpo que tienes. Pueden encontrar el vestido aca.
also please ignore my vans filled with sand lol
the crew! nothing better than girls in cute swimsuits ~ el grupo mas lindo! me encanto conocer a todas, super bellas.
Of course I was wearing a swimsuit underneath. I picked this red Lovers and Friends swimsuit that you can get here!
Obviamente que llevaba una ropa de baño debajo… felizmente me puse un vestido super facil de sacar jeje. Debajo llevaba este enterizo rojo que pueden encontrar aca.
Besides the events, I wore a lot more outfits, I mean you can never wear enough outfits when you have lots of lovely clothes to pick from at the house… We had some time to chill at the house so I wrapped up this easy white maxi dress from L’Academie. Really good choice to be honest since I wanted to relax for a bit and wear something comfy.
Aparte de los eventos use otros looks que pueden ver mas abajo. Este vestido blanco de L’Academie lo use para relajar en la casa y en el jardin. Fue la mejor decisión que pude tomar por que era bien comodo y relajado.
Loving the blush tones at the moment <3 You can get these Raye velvet sandals HERE and Tularosa bikini top HERE!
Tonos rosado pastel <3 Pueden encontrar las sandalias de Raye aca, y el bikini aca!
Another casual afternoon in Lovers and Friends satin midi dress. We went to this lovely place called Gurneys Montauk and I fell in love with the whole aesthetic. Very very pretty and it had so many flowers I had to take a picture there!
Otra tarde casual en este vestido de seda de Lovers and Friends. Fuimos a Gurneys Montauk y me enamore de la estetica… flores por todos lados asi que tenia que tomarme una foto ahi!
Back to the house… I swear every single room was an absolute dream! I can’t even remember how many rooms they had but I can be sure there were more than 15…also shout out to Superga for the sneakers! Also those caps, I swear everyone in the house was wearing those at some point, it was so funny it felt we were kids wearing a uniform.
Saved my favorite dress for last of course. This Lovers and Friends perwinkle gown was everything… simple yet so classic. The fabric was actually on the thicker side, which made the dress look even more dressy and elegant in person.
Finalmente el mejor vestido para el final. Este maxi vestido lila me encanto!! simple y clasico. La tela era un poco mas gruesa de lo que parece, lo que hacia que se vea incluso mas elegante en persona.
Anyway, I hope you guys liked this post! I really couldn’t thank Revolve enough for having us 🙂
Espero que les haya gustado el post! y infinitas gracias a Revolve por invitarnos 🙂
Absolutely love it!
Mireia from TGL
Hi, I’m happy for your cool experience! I’m currently in NY and would like to do some vintage thrift shopping. Can you recommend me some cheap vintage shops? I’d be so grateful cause you’re my style icon!
I love your looks!
i am in love with the yellow swimsuit…. goal
That blue lace dress is just amazing! <3
Ha, I saw InTheFrow’s instagramstories and this looked like so much fun! Now I just want to find a giant ball pit and just be a kid again. XD Great pictures!
Nicolette | http://www.nicolette.co
I love Revolve crew – they always make amazing events! And I want to be a part of it! <3
These photos are everything! All your pastel outfits looked really cool in that beautiful house. I’m love with all the swings and those gingham sun shades are so cool. So glad you shared!
Darling you are looking fabulous!! This house in the Hamptons is amazing .I really can’t decide what look Is my favorite. Ok for your look and style I love ❤️The Privacy Please dress . So you , this semi -vintage tropical print and the black background xoxo
Dress The Part
Me encantaron todos los outfits, te ves espectacular, pero el último vestido me enamoró…
The house looks amazing and love all your outfits! Those dresses are so stunning.
Sounds like a really relaxing and fun escape! I love these photos Lua, you look absolutely stunning in each one!
Joanne | Life in Blue Skies
These photos look amazing, it feels like you taken us with you. The white dress looks incredible on you! <3
Kinga xx
The place looks amazing! And I am in love with the first dress, baby blue dress and the last white one! The gingham wrap is so cute and versatile!
wow, love every look ,sexy and beautiful
Amazing look and photos! I’m in love with the white dress you’re wearing! 😉
I’m really in love with the white dress you’re wearing in these amazing photos!