August 21, 2015
Sentimental Movie.
T-shirt – Jack of All Trades
Shorts- The Kooples
Crochet top – here
Belt – vintage / get it here
Shoes – River Island
All black and grey, although underrated, is probably my favorite color palette for a look. I know it was about time to wear darker clothes… with fall around the corner I might start going back to neutral muted shades (the only difference is that I alternate more with lipsticks now, you know, to avoid being repetitive at all costs). I mixed textures this time using leather, crochet and suede, something I do quite often when theres little color involved. Moving on, I will forever stand strong for pairing band tees with leather bottoms, I swear it works all the time. These shorts from The Kooples are insane. They’re such a good staple piece for any season. If you’re not familiar, the Kooples is a punk and rock inspired brand originally from France. And personally, they’re probably one of my favorite brands of the moment. I got somehow emotional when I visited their store in Soho as I just fell in love with every single thing.
Negro con gris es probablemente mi paleta de colores favorita. Se que ya era hora de usar ropa un poco mas oscura…sobretodo por que el otoño esta a la vuelta de la esquina y poco a poco ire volviendo a mis colores de siempre: negro y tonos neutros y oscuros. La unica diferencia es que ahora alterno los lapiz de labios que uso y el maquillaje en general..mi nuevo amor por el maquillaje definitivamente me ayuda a no ser repetitiva. Aqui decidi balancear la falta de color mezclando distintas texturas como cuero, crochet y gamuza. A mi parecer siempre funciona. Los shorts de The Kooples son perfectos para todas las estaciones, desde verano a invierno con medias opacas. The Kooples es una marca francesa con inspiracion de punk y rock y poco a poco se ha ido convirtiendo en una de mis favoritas. Les juro que me puse un poco emocional cuando visite su tienda por que me enamore de todo lo que tenian!