May 28, 2014


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Back to sequins and leather.

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Skirt – Similar here
Blazer – Similar here

This outfit though. Its already hot enough to wear skirts without tights, but to be honest I cant get used to it yet haha. I think I need at least three weeks to get accustomed to seasons because changes are so radical here in New York. This top is brilliant isn’t it. If you read me since I started this blog you know my addiction to shiny pieces.  I generally go for small sequins or glittery things and the like so this is is a major upgrade… the sequins are so big im obsessed. I would also wear it with plain black jeans and heels.

By the way I might take the extensions soon…summer is going to be hell on earth so I plan to wear my hair short as before and start trying crazy colors again.  Have a great day guys.


Este look. Ya hace suficiente calor para usar minis sin medias pero para ser sincera no me acostumbro aun. Creo que necesito al menos tres semanas para acostumbrarme a las estaciones por que los cambios son tan radicales aca en Ny. En fin que tan hermoso es este top. Si me leen desde los inicios ya conocen bien mi adiccion para las prendas brillosas y con escarcha o lentejuelas. Pero este top va mas alla por que son gigantes! Lo amo. Tambien lo usaria con jeans y sandalias.
Por cierto planeo quitarme las extensiones pronto ya que el verano va a ser un horno.. aunque voy a probar colores mas locos para no aburrirme (siempre en tonos rojizos obviamente). Que tengan un lindo dia.

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