October 17, 2014


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with 5 preset
2Photo Oct 16, 8 11 51 PM copy
Processed with VSCOcam with 4 preset
Blouse – Vintage / shop similar here
Jacket – Modekungen
Shoes – Similar here
Necklace – Nillin

This blouse is a dream, I got it a long while ago on a thrift store and have been dying to post it over here ever since. It matches my hair so much it might even get a little annoying, but hey its October and orange is everywhere so its all good. Sometimes when the piece is enough I go for black on black to make it stand out. I always go for black looks when I want to wear a printed top and keep it simple at the same time. I didn’t wear my classic biker leather jacket but one with a different silhouette for a dressier approach.
Anyways, I know I’ve been saying this for a while but a post with my hair products is coming your way so stay tuned! have a lovely Friday everyone <3
Esta blusa es un sueño. La tengo desde hace bastante tiempo y he estado muriendo por postearla por aca! Combina un poco demasiado con mi pelo que ya no se si me encanta o llega a irritar jaja, pero es Octubre y el naranja esta en todos lados asi que todo bien. A veces cuando la prenda es suficiente me la pongo con looks completamente negros para resaltarlas… sobretodo cuando quiero usar tops con prints y mantener el look simple al mismo tiempo. No me puse mi chaqueta biker (motociclista) pero una con otra silueta para un look un poco mas elegante.
En fin, se que hace tiempo digo que hare un post de mis productos de pelo pero se viene uno pronto! que tengan un lindisimo viernes.

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