March 6, 2014
Say hello to my new favorite faux fur coat.
Coat- Pixie Market
Blouse under tee- Pixie Market
T-shirt – Worn By
Sunglasses- Ray Ban via Shades Daddy
Jeans- Nasty Gal (in grey) or similar here
So insane how this coat literally matches my hair, seems I found my faux animal. I got it thanks to Pixie Market, an incredible online store with stuff I’ve never seen before. For real, you guys should definitely check them out when looking for something different. I went with some of my classics: band tee and acid wash.The combination of white blouse and white tee was totally improvised (planned to wear the shirt only) and to be honest I love the result.
Anyways, its thursday and I can’t wait for the week to be over, Im so exhausted. Been doing so much lately and need a rest. Also Im working on some new features I will be adding to this blog so keep your eyes peeled 🙂
Es increible como este abrigo combina con mi pelo, literalmente mismos colores. Lo consegui gracias a Pixie Market, una tienda online que tiene cosas que no he visto antes y me encanta. Definitivamente chequeenlos por si buscan algo diferente. En este look use mis clasicos: t-shirt y jeans acid wash. En verdad planeaba usar el look con una camisa blanca nomas, pero asi como probandp meti el t-shirt y me encanto el resultado. En fin, es jueves y ya quiero que acabe la semana! He estado de aqui para alla y me vendria bien descansar un poco. Tambien les cuento que he estado trabajando en unas nuevas secciones para el blog que ya pronto veran. Que tengan un lindo dia!