April 10, 2014


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Getting into the spring game mixing pastels and black.

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Floral blazer- similar here and here
Top- BP
Shorts- similar here

This is a look I had totally forgotten about.  The other day browsing my folders from my last trip to Peru for spring inspo I found it and started screaming because I truly love it… its just so simple and the blazer is perfection. So on point now that the weather decided to be kind and sweet to us. Helps me set my mind for warmer outfits involving less bulky coats (thank god) and more vintage soft layers. Honestly, thats my favorite thing, to pair simple tops with printed cardigans, blouses, blazers, kimonos and the like. The rest of the outfit comes out easily when you have that perfect piece.
By the way the title is from one of my new favorite songs “At Giza” by Om. Its so beautifully written and heaven for my ears.
Este es un look del cual me habia olvidado por completo. El otro dia viendo mis folders de mi ultimo viaje a Peru para inspiracion lo encontre y tenia que compartir. Me encanta lo simple que es y el blazer que use ese dia. Es perfecto para recrear ahora y me ayuda a mentalizarme para looks mas veraniegos, con menos abrigos y mas prendas delgadas. Mi tipo de outfit favorito siempre involucra prints vintage ya sea en blusas, blazers, capas, etc. El resto del look sale facil cuando tienes esa prenda perfecta.

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