December 5, 2013
Beanie- Ebay
When I have a bad hair day it is most likely a beanie day, but sometimes I add it when I need that something else and only a beanie can put the look together. I always get asked where I got my classic black one. Well, I got it about two years ago, from a drugstore and it’s everything but fancy (two dollars at the “holidays section”). So when you ask I don’t know how to answer because there’s no way you can go to that exact drugstore and get the same one. I tried to look it up on online stores and just recently found the most similar ones on eBay that look exactly the same, chunky and ribbed.
Check out my hats collection if you wonder where to get most of the hats I wear on my blog. Its basically made up hats I love, hats I lust and hats I always wear.. all of them super affordable.
To get more inspiration, check out all my other eBay collections as well and follow me & share for a chance to win $25,000 from eBay (see official rules here).
Anyways, outfit post later! stay tuned
Como muchos sabran uso este beanie bastante seguido, sobretodo cuando mi pelo no colabora conmigo o el look que uso necesita ese algo mas y el beanie logra completar el look. Siempre me preguntan de donde es y me cuesta responder por que lo consegui en una farmacia en la seccion de cosas navideñas hace mas de 3 años. Finalmente les puedo dar un link con los mas parecidos gracias a mis colecciones de ebay. Son literalmente idénticos, grandes y rayados.
Chequeen mi coleccion de sombreros si buscan similares a los que ven en el blog, esta hecha de sombreros que me gustan, que quiero o que siempre uso, todos a precios buenos.
Para mas inspiracion vean el resto de mis colecciones y compartan para la posibilidad de ganar $25,000 en ebay (vean las reglas aca).
En fin, se viene un outfit post mas tarde! que tengan un lindo dia.
This post is sponsored by eBay #followitfindit and Style Coalition.