April 18, 2014
When in doubt, throw on overalls.
Vicious Tee- CIVIL Clothing
Overalls- Old/ similar here
Its been a long time since I posted a look featuring dungarees. My god how I missed them. This look was shot on the rooftop of my house in Peru. I know, I keep pulling some old outfits but this is the last one left. I plan to get more dungarees for summer though, they are so comfortable and easy to pair (perhaps the easiest piece), especially with cropped tops or printed tank tops. Here I was wearing one of my fave graphic tees that I throw on very often, honestly you can’t do wrong with a black and grey. I’ve been looking for vintage dungarees on ebay as they need to have that specific vintage feel and true 90s vibe. Check my overalls collection on eBay to see my favorite ones and some I actually got.
My eBay collections were curated in collaboration with eBay and Style Coalition. #followitfindit.
Hace mucho que no posteaba overoles y ya los estaba extrañando! Este look es de Peru y lo tomamos en el techo de mi casa. Yo seee sigo posteando algunos looks pasados de Lima pero este es el ultimo que me queda 🙂 Ya quiero que sea completamente verano aca para usar overoles, son tan comodos y faciles de combinar sobretodo con crop tops y t-shirts con estampado y sin mangas. El que uso en estas fotos es uno de mis favoritos por que me encanta la combinacion de negro con gris clarito. En fin, he estado buscando mas overoles y creo que los mejores se encuentran en ebay (si no tienes una tienda de segunda cerca a ti), ahi hay unos vintage que tienen esa onda noventera que necesitan para que se vean bien. Pueden ver mi coleccion de overoles aca para ver mis favoritos y algunos que me he pedido.