August 22, 2014



Thrifting and walking around the neighborhood is one of my fav things to do. Last saturday was one of those days and this time we decided to take some pictures 🙂

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I was wearing a very casual typical of mine look. Just comfy and still looking cute. Its all vintage (what a surprise!), I actually found the skirt in that thrift store some months ago, and the sandals are some old black ones I’ve had for ages. You can see how insanely big t he thrift store is, it looks amazing, but in fact its not that easy to find cool stuff as you have to skim through millions of blouses with tacky prints and maxi dresses that look like costumes. But thats exactly why I love thrifting, you have to be creative and actually crank how you can wear something extremely weird while you shop and think of what you have waiting in your wardrobe to pair it with.  I tried a million denim jackets and ended up getting a bright blue one. Then we went to get lunch at a little restaurant called Owl Juice pub and that sandwich tasted like heaven.


Ir en busca de ropa de segunda mano y caminar por la zona que vivo es uno de mis planes favoritos los fines de semana. El sabado pasado fue uno de esos dias y aprovechamos para tomar fotos. Me puse algo comodo y simple para caminar: falda larga de flores vintage (que justamente habia comprado en esta tienda hace meses) y unas sandalias que tengo hace años. Como pueden ver la tienda es gigantesca y se ve increible todo, pero en realidad no es taan facil encontrar cosas por que hay muchas prendas como blusas con estampados un poco extremos o vestidos que parecen disfraces. Pero esa es justamente la gracia de buscar ropa vintage para mi, es tener que pensar mientras compras en que le puedes hacer a algo extremadamente raro para que quede bien con tu closet. Me encanta ese proceso creativo. Me probe muchas casacas de jean y me lleve una azul con acid wash. Luego fuimos a  Owl Juice, un restaurante por ahi a almorzar y me pedi el sandwich mas delicioso del mundo.

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